The V Creative Space revolves around the imaginary of ERRE, an urban artist who expresses herself freely in protest against gender equality, connecting her work directly with our current situation.
For this Creative Space, some ERRE designs were chosen that were masterfully hand-embroidered by the designer Anamaría Torres, creator of A Punta de Puntadas on the new genderless KAFTAN garment – OVEROL Z-3, inspired by the iconic suit of the class worker.
Industrial designer who dedicated herself to making urban art. For more than 10 years she began to paint the walls of Zipaquirá -the city where she was born- and currently she has taken her art to different parts of the world, combining techniques such as illustration, stencil, poster and sticker. . Her murals invite to disobey, to protest, but above all to disconnect from stereotypes.
Anamaría Torres, Designer dedicated to Embroidery since the beginning of 2018 with her project “A punta de puntadas”, in which she intends to show that this ancestral technique has artistic potential in the modern world and encourage people of all generations to express their creativity ” drawing with threads”.
KAFTAN CREATOR, is the space that brings together creators, on this occasion around 150 attendees got to know the new Kaftan Z-3 OVERALL, designed as a genderless garment
More information: @kaftanweb
Artists: @erre.erre @pointpointss
Exhibition open to the public December 13 to March 2020.